Welcome to the ANDES e-Service

Dear customer,

E-service system is a support ticket system Andes Technology launches for our customers with a valid support contract. Customers who require supports can either login to file a request or contact Andes technical support staff to submit a ticket for them in the system. The e-service link is in the selection menu of Technical Support on Andes homepage.

Every technical support request will be assigned a ticket number which customers can use to track the progress and response online at any time. Whenever there is an update on a submitted ticket, customers will receive an e-mail notification from e-service. Upon closure of a ticket, customers will be invited to participate in the "Customer Satisfaction Survey" to help Andes understand their needs better and further enhance services.

If your company is an Andes licensee and you want to submit a support request in e-service, please send an e-mail with your corporate e-mail address, company name and your full name including "Apply password" in the subject line to es@andestech.com. An initial password to access e-service will be sent to your corporate e-mail address once your information is confirmed. An updated password can also be obtained in the same way if you forget your initial password.

If you have any questions or suggestions in regards to e-service system, please contact us at es@andestech.com. We'll try to respond to you as soon as possible.


e-service系統是Andes特別為維護合約期限內客戶提供的技術服務網站。此連結位於 Andes 公司網頁的Technical Support下拉視窗內。Andes 的技術服務人員會協助您註冊技術服務要求,您也可以自己登入e-service,註冊新的技術服務要求。您的每一個技術服務要求都會有一個ticket號碼來標記。e-service會自動發送ticket更新訊息到您註冊的e-mail信箱。您可以隨時隨地上網查看ticket進度及回應。每一個案件結案時,都有客戶滿意度調查,讓我們隨時傾聽客戶的聲音。

如果貴公司為簽約客戶,您想要取得initial password或您已忘記password,請e-mail 主旨為"Apply password" 的信件並包括您的公司e-mail 位址,公司中英文名稱,您的英文全名,到 es@andestech.com 。
我們將儘速審核並把initial password或新password寄到您的公司e-mail 信箱。
任何e-service使用方式及建議,歡迎聯繫 es@andestech.com

Open a New Ticket

Please provide as much detail as possible so we can best assist you. To update a previously submitted ticket, please login.

Open a New Ticket

Check Ticket Status

We provide archives and history of all your current and past support requests complete with responses.

Check Ticket Status

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